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土地面积:350 亩
土地可流转年限:30 年
土地剩余使用年限:30 年
详细说明: 我处现有333亩江心岛屿出租。此岛屿四面环水,无民居住房,岛上土地是沙土性质,非常适合种植高效绿色农产品。更适合做:以农业为载体,打造农业观光,劳动,休闲,旅游区。地段非常好:位于四川洪雅县至柳江古镇,玉屏山,瓦屋山,槽渔滩,高庙古镇,七里坪,等旅游区的高速出口之必经路口:遂资眉高速,雅乐高速,东岳镇出口站旁边1000米处的河对面。现洪雅县和中保政府以大力发展农旅相融为导向,努力把中保镇发展成为农业旅游观光产业带。同时,政府下半年启动修建一座大桥横跨青衣江,宽24米,4车道,接通雅乐高速,遂资眉高速,东岳段的出入口。为此这个岛屿的未来发展和潜力是不可估量的。欢迎有实力的公司来考察,开发!把此处没有雾霾的地方打造为自己的后花园。 I now have 333 acres of river island rental. This island is surrounded by water, no residential housing, the island land is sandy nature, very suitable for planting efficient green agricultural products. More suitable for: agriculture as the carrier, to create agricultural tourism, labor, leisure, tourist areas. The location is very good: located in Sichuan Hongya County to Liujiang town, Yuping Mountain, Wawushan, trough fishing beach, high temple town, Qiliping, and other tourist areas of the high-speed exports must pass: then eyebrow high-speed, Dongyue town exit station next to 1000 meters across the river. Hongya County and the Chinese government in order to vigorously develop agriculture and tourism integration, and strive to develop the town of agriculture tourism tourism industry. At the same time, the government started to build a bridge across the Tsing Yi River in the second half of the year, 24 meters wide, 4 lanes, connected to the high-speed, then eyebrow high-speed, Dong Yue section of the entrance. The future development and potential of this island is immeasurable. Welcome to the strength of the company to study, development! Where there is no haze where to build their own back garden.

联 系 人: 梁中
联系电话: 18783398368
电子邮件: 625020998@qq.com
   QQ: 625020998
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